
Asheville Hostel & Guest House

These conditions to stay with us are accepted by reserving Guest
Updated: Feb 21 2023 (May be outdated in relation to your reservation)

Required to Reserve

You can not book on behalf of someone else
Bank card must be in guest's name
Valid State issued driver's license or ID


Payments for nights stayed are never refundable
Security deposits are conditionally refundable
The bank card used to reserve must be in the guest's name
Subsequent payments are also required to be with credit card in guest's name

Background Check

All reservations are subject to background check

Pets & animals

We do not accept pets or animals due to allergies & shared living space unpredictability


Guests are not permitted to have guests
If you know or meet someone while in town, go to where they are staying
Only reserved guests are permitted inside our properties


All American adults must provide a valid State issued driver's license or ID card
All foreign adults must provide a valid passport

We reserve the right to refuse anyone to stay without reason or refund